Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Welcome to the World, Ian Alexander!

Monday, May 17, I had an appointment since I was "overdue" just to check fluid levels and baby's heart rate. Everything looked great. I was 3-4 cm and 50% effaced. Dr. T "stirred some things up" (which I assume means she stripped my membranes) and sent me on my way with an induction scheduled for Thursday.
That evening I began having contractions. Nothing really regular, but more than before. We went for a walk after dinner in hopes of making something happen, but nothing really did. H had taken off the rest of the week for work, and I was worried that it was for nothing. I went to bed, and didn't have any more contractions that I could feel anyway. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper.
I woke up at 7am Tuesday and had another contraction. Then another around 7:30. M woke up so I got up also. We got dressed and went for another walk. I had fairly regular contractions during the walk, but I wasn't timing them. When we got back home, H was waking up. He asked if anything was happening, and I said maybe. I went ahead and took a shower, washed my hair, and began getting dressed. I had some pretty decent contractions the whole time. I got out the balance ball to help me through them. M didn't really get it...she just wanted to play with the ball. H was timing the contractions with an iPhone app. As I was putting on my makeup, they were 7-8 minutes apart, lasting about a minute each. I tried laying in the bed in some sort of position from the Bradley Method book. The balance ball worked better. I called my mom to tell her that today might be the day, just to give her a heads up. When I was straightening my hair, they were getting closer, about 6 minutes apart, and hurting more in my back. I was really working to get through them. I made H go vacuum my car and install the car seat. All the while, I was still contracting, getting worse and a little closer together. After he was finished, he came back inside and he timed them some more, while we watched The Price is Right. My BFF, Brittney, called, and I let her know what was going on. Several contractions later, all coming about 5 minutes apart for about 1 minute 20 seconds or so, I decided it was time to go to the hospital. H called my aunt and let her know, so she came over to watch M. I also called Brittney (she had volunteered to be my coach) and told her that we were leaving and asked her to meet me there. I was having a hard time even walking out to the car. We got all packed up and left for the hospital. On the way there, I called the labor unit to let them know that I was coming. The ride over there was very takes 30 minutes to get there.
The nurses and scrub tech were waiting for us when we got there. I put on the gown and got settled in the bed. The nurse, Glenda, checked me and I was 6-7 cm and fully effaced. Yay! So they went ahead and admitted me, and hooked me up to the monitors. That stupid toco monitor was really uncomfortable, and the FHR monitor kept losing the heart rate. Shortly afterward, Brittney arrived. She was great at helping me relax, as I was trying for an epidural-free birth. Eventually, the contractions were so bad that nothing I did brought relief. I broke down and asked for an epidural. The time between then and when the anesthesiologist got there was the longest 30 minutes ever. I was about 8 cm dilated when I got the epidural. After that, things were so much better. I do not regret that decision at all. I could still tell when I was having a contraction, but it was not as painful. The started a low dose of pitocin, so as not to slow things down. After that there was barely any time between contractions, and I was getting more uncomfortable. The called the anesthesiologist back to bolus me again. Things were better after that. I was fully dilated, but didn't feel any urge to push, so they just let me labor down for a bit. Then we went through a few practice pushes before calling in Dr. T for the big show. Dr. T arrived, and the nurses and scrub techs got everything ready. H and B helped hold my legs back during the pushing. After about 20 minutes of pushing, Ian Alexander entered the world at 4:56 pm. He was a whopping 8 lbs. 10 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long. He is so perfect. He looks a lot like his older sister when she was born. (pictures will be posted soon)

I had a great birth experience. I really wanted to go into labor on my own and get as far as I could without an epidural. I'm so glad that happened. I don't regret the epi at all. I'm proud of myself for making it as far as I did without one.

Happy Birthday, Ian! I love you so much!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


It's May 13. My EDD was May 12. I NEED to have this baby...soon. M has been having talks with "Baby Brother" about hurrying up, but apparently it's not working. He's a stubborn little boy.

I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. I feel like baby's lower now than he was last week. Hopefully I'm thinned out some more too. I was hoping to have delivered by now so I wouldn't have to make this appointment, but no such luck.

Luckily I don't feel miserable...too bad anyway. My feet and ankles are swollen and achy, I have some pain in my pelvic region when I get up from sitting/lying down, and I still vomit on occasion, but other than all that, I feel pretty good.

I think I'm gonna go wash my car before it gets too hot. It may rain later, but I don't care. The car is too nasty!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Slight Progress

The only progress is that baby is now at -1 station instead of -2. Still 3 cm and 30% effaced. I was hoping for more, but I'm not totally miserable, so I'm not pouting about it. Anyway, it doesn't mean anything anyway. I could go from nothing to having a baby in a day. He'll send my body the signal when he's ready to come out. Hopefully he won't wait TOO long.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cross your fingers for more progress!

I made it through a 3 day stretch at work. I tried to stand up and walk around as much as possible. Saturday morning I even took the stairs up 2 flights and down the rest of the way. I think all that did was make my calves hurt. Some people say it looks like I've "dropped," but I don't really think so. Maybe he's slightly lower, but not engaged yet. No regular contractions...just some occasional ones. Hopefully I'll find out tomorrow at my appointment that I've made a little progress.

H says I have to wait until after Friday to have this baby because he wants to go see Iron Man 2. *eye roll* I hope he's got plans for M though, because if this baby's not here yet, I'll be at work. And if this baby is here, he's not going.

Honestly, I'm betting this kiddo's stubborn and doesn't come until 41 weeks due to an induction. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Friday, April 30, 2010

38 Weeks

Today I'm 38 weeks and 2 days. Last appointment (on Tuesday) I was 3 cm dilated (!), only 30% effaced, -2 station, posterior cervix, and anterior head. So I've been trying to be more active just to get things moving along. I've been somewhat nesting. I'm not much of a housekeeper, so any amount of cleaning is nesting to me.

I've been feeling pretty good lately. Not many contractions. About 1-2 a day. Maybe I should go for a walk. I'd like to get a nap in since I have to work tonight, but I'm sure M won't lay down, and she can get into a lot of trouble when she's unsupervised.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spilled the Beans

So, to answer the question posed in my last post, no, a 3-year old cannot keep a secret. A few weeks ago M was highly pressured by some members of my family. I was obviously not present for the interrogation. I am quite disappointed (in my family, not M), but whatever. My friends at work still don't know his name, so I still have a secret.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Can a 3 year-old keep a secret?

M knows what "Baby Brother" is going to be named. She also knows it's a secret. I've been working with her on what to say when someone asks her. (In this scenario, Peter is just the fake name I'm using...not the real name...just to be clear.)

ME: Ok, I'm going to pretend to be Pud, and when I ask you what Baby Brother's name is, you say 'I'm not telling. It's a secret.' Ready? What's your baby brother's name?

M: I'm not tell-ing.

ME: Good job. Now pretend I'm Aunt Sammy. Ready? Hey, what's baby brother's name?

M: Peter.

ME: NO! You have to say "I'm not telling. It's a secret!"

We practiced for a while. I'm either going to have to work harder, or keep her away from family until May. She's already spilled the beans to the babysitter. Oh well...we don't really know any of the same people, so it's alright.

Baby Registry

Plans are in the works for a baby shower. I told H, and he said he thought you only had one with the first baby. Actually, I wasn't sure I was going to have a shower, but everyone I've talked to says it's okay. My BFF, B, is throwing it at a nearby restaurant--a Baja beach taco place. It should be fun and casual. Yesterday when we were talking about it, she asked me about my registry.'s a little sparse. I told her I was going to just use the swing that M had (it's pink) and she flipped and made me go register for one. So I went to Target and got a scanner and registered for more stuff. Not that it's stuff I don't need, but I just feel bad asking for things with my 2nd baby. But I supposed if people are going to buy me stuff, it might as well be what I want/need. So I registered for things like breast pump accessories, nursing pads, nipple cream, blankets, changing pad covers, a swing, a playmat/activity gym thingy, diapers (Huggies Pure & Natural--so I don't feel so guilty), crib sheets, washcloths, and books. I still refuse to register for another Bumbo chair. We have a Be Be Pod that's pale lavender and pale pink. I seriously don't need another one. You can barely tell it's girly.

Oh, and my friend, R, had a baby boy last year at this time, and she's not having anymore, so she's giving me her infant carseat. It's a Chicco KeyFit 30. Great carseat! And she's got 2 bases! So that makes up my mind about not getting a travel system.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Baby Essentials

This time around, I've got a baby registry, but it's a little sparse. I've still got stuff from when M was a baby, so I don't need that much. We still have her swing, which is pink and very girly, but I don't really care. He's just going to use it here at home. I just can't see spending $100+ on something he'll use for a couple of months when we have a perfectly good one already. We'll be reusing M's bassinet, bathtub, BeBe Pod, vibrating chair, Boppy (with a new blue cover, of course), and activity mat.
I will be needing a new high chair because M has pretty much destroyed hers. We like this one because it doesn't really stand out. It kinda blends in with our normal decor. And although I like the ones that go in a regular chair, those are a little inconvenient when we have company over for dinner.
While I am determined to make breastfeeding work with this little one, I will eventually have to go back to work, and therefore must have bottles. I used Avent with M, but that was back in the day before they were BPA free, so I chucked them. This time I'm going with The First Years Breastflow Bottles. I'm hoping these will help ease the transitions between breast and bottle.

I also discovered these awesome swaddling blankets by aden + anais a little too late for M, so I have to have them this time. They are very large and a little stretchy, as well as lightweight. So no worrying about baby overheating.

A new car seat is a biggie. M's was pink (of course) and H put it in the attic where it's been for the past 2.5 years, so I wouldn't use it again anyway. I'm kinda diggin' the Little Hoot design on this travel system, but I'm not entirely convinced I need a stroller. Someone convince me! I mean, I plan on doing a lot of baby-wearing while out and about, so I'm hoping not to need a stroller, but what about that one time I really need one? Decisions, decisions....

While I already have a Moby wrap, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have one of these Beco Baby Carriers. They are super cute and seem pretty easy to use.

And of course I need boy clothes, and new burp cloths, and diapers. I really wanted to use cloth diapers, but H pitches a fit whenever I mention them. So I thought about g diapers, but they're kinda pricey and I'd have to have them delivered because there aren't any stores near here that carry them. So I'm probably going to go with disposables, even though the guilt will eat away at me.

30 Weeks

Our little boy finally has a name...but we're not telling until he's born! Sorry, but isn't it more exciting that way? And for us, there's no one nit-picking the name. When he's born he'll be introduced as "Peter Parker" and that's just who he'll be. No one saying, "Really? Are you sure?" or "I knew a really nerdy guy with that name." At least I hope so. Not that the name we've chosen is going to be ridiculed anyway. It's a nice, normal name. I really just want it to be a surprise.
Hopefully M can control her 3 year old mouth and not tell anyone.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

29 Weeks!

Since someone mentioned to me just how long it had been since I posted anything on my blog, I figured it was about time for an update.

I'm 29 weeks pregnant today! Woo Hoo! Only about 10 more weeks to go! This boy still doesn't have a name, and people are not shy about giving their ideas. It's somewhat annoying. Mainly because we have a potential name picked out and we're not telling. It's not official, so I can't officially say "yes he has a name, but we're not telling." Of course I guess it won't be truly official until we fill out the birth certificate.

I'm feeling pretty good these days. Some days I'm pretty tired, but others are ok. I'm also having a lot of pain in my pelvic region, under my giant belly. It feels kinda like nerve pain, although I wasn't aware that you could get nerve pain there.
I also stopped taking my Prilosec due to the fact that I recently read that it's a pregnancy category C because it caused miscarriages in rabbits. I've been meaning to get some Prevacid since it's only a category B, but I just haven't yet. So I've been having a little reflux which is making it hard to go to sleep since I have to sleep sitting up.

The baby furniture I ordered arrived on Monday. Unfortunately it's still sitting in the garage because the nursery is NOT ready. H hasn't finished cleaning it out yet. He'd better get on it because I can't park my car in the garage right now. And I'm really excited to get the furniture up. I bought the Kendall crib from Pottery Barn Kids, along with the matching dresser and night stand in Espresso finish.