Thursday, March 11, 2010

Can a 3 year-old keep a secret?

M knows what "Baby Brother" is going to be named. She also knows it's a secret. I've been working with her on what to say when someone asks her. (In this scenario, Peter is just the fake name I'm using...not the real name...just to be clear.)

ME: Ok, I'm going to pretend to be Pud, and when I ask you what Baby Brother's name is, you say 'I'm not telling. It's a secret.' Ready? What's your baby brother's name?

M: I'm not tell-ing.

ME: Good job. Now pretend I'm Aunt Sammy. Ready? Hey, what's baby brother's name?

M: Peter.

ME: NO! You have to say "I'm not telling. It's a secret!"

We practiced for a while. I'm either going to have to work harder, or keep her away from family until May. She's already spilled the beans to the babysitter. Oh well...we don't really know any of the same people, so it's alright.

1 comment:

Amanda @RusticRemnants said...

Oh that is too funny. So far my 2 year old just tells everyone "I don't know" whenever she is asked anything about the baby. Good luck with the secret. :)