Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Building a Fence

It's tax refund time, and we've decided to use our big chunk of change to build a privacy fence. Our neighbors built their fence last year, so after assisting with one, building one should be a piece of cake, right?

Not so much....

Actually H and my dad are building our fence and my sister's fence. H is on spring break, so they have lots of time. Daddy got here around 8 this morning, and the dynamic duo headed to S's to measure her lot and then to The Home Depot to rent the equipment. S and I (and M of course) went to the grocery store. When we made it back home at 10:30, they had just gotten back with the equipment (big machine to dig holes with, and machine to mix cement with). They lollygagged around for a while before going to Lowe's to buy the lumber, etc for S's fence. It was about 4:00 before they even started digging the holes. Mind you, they only have these machines for 24 hours. They may need to get some spotlights so they can actually finish on time.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

It's Easter Sunday and I have to work. :( I didn't think it'd be that big of a deal because I didn't think M would be able to hunt for Easter eggs this year. But I was wrong. She did hunt for Easter eggs at great grandma's house. And I missed it. Oh what a bad mommy! At least H got some pics of her.

Here she is with her Mamaw and Papaw

It was a little cool, so she had to wear a sweater over her cute dress.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Little Miss Big Stuff

Well, M is finally walking. Wednesday she was walking small distances from one person to another. Thursday she walked a little farther. Friday when I got her out of her crib, I put her down and she walked to Britt (she was there to babysit). Saturday she walked all day. And she's been walking ever since.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Picky Toddler

So I've been visiting this website called It gets me so excited about making good, healthy food for M. Last night I picked a few recipes and made my grocery list. This morning we got dressed, ate breakfast, played for a few minutes, then headed to Wal-Mart. Typically, I refuse to go to Wal-Mart unless it's before 8 am, but I was trying to be frugal (LOL). Our trip ran into M's naptime a little, but she didn't mind. At 11 when we returned home, I put her to sleep, lollygagged around, and began on her wholesome lunch. Chicken Potato Chowder. Yum-o. When she woke up from her nap, I let her play around for a while. She saw me put the bowl of chowder on the table, and looked like she wanted it. She took ONE BITE and made a face, SPIT IT OUT, and refused to eat anymore. She stuck her hands in the bowl a few times and licked her fingers, but that was it. I wouldn't care so much that she didn't eat any if I hadn't actually made it myself. Doesn't she know how hard I worked on that? LOL.

Maybe she'll eat the tofu nuggets that I make tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

MTV Cribs - NICU

OMG! This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. You probably have to be a NICU nurse to get it, but boy oh boy is it funny!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The New Results...

Not Pregnant. I should have stopped at Starbucks on my way home.

The Results...

So, I'm sitting on the pot, trying to pee on this darn stick, and I stop midstream, checking the stick. It's still dry. I've just woken up, mind you, and my vision is still blurry. I have problems with depth perception anyway, so being newly awake just compounds that problem. Part of me said, just put it away and try later. It's still dry, so no harm done. I didn't listen. So I try again, because I still have pee left. I managed to hit the stick, but I don't know if it was under the stream for the 5 seconds that it was supposed to be there. I put the cap back on and sat it on the back of the toilet. I waited. Not for the 3 minutes, because I'm impatient and can't wait that long (AEB my taking this stupid test anyway). As I peered over to the results screen, I saw what didn't look like words on the screen. Instead, there's a picture of a little book and an arrow. I grab the instructions and find the little picture next to the words "book error." Book error?!?!? WTF?! Apparently this means there is either too much or too little pee on the stick. Damn! I knew I should have stopped while it was still dry. In all my years of taking these darn tests, I have NEVER gotten an error. NEVER. Is this a sign? A sign that I shouldn't take a test yet? Or a sign that I should just pee in a darn cup and test that way.

So, after I dress the rugrat, we'll be heading to the nearest retailer of HPTs.

Monday, March 10, 2008

POAS (Pee On A Stick)

So I bought a pregnancy test today. Not that I really *think* I'm pregnant, but just to be know. I was going to go this morning after I got off work, but when I went to pick up M, she was dressed in her pj's, and I didn't want to take her to Wal-Mart in her pj's, especially in the get a pregnancy test. The checker girl would probably think it was a crisis situation.

Anyway, when H got home we had to go get *dog* some food. Along with a few other things from Target. So I picked up a HPT then. I wasn't going to tell him that I was going to POAS, but since he was there, I did. No biggie. I'm waiting until morning to do it though...when he's at work. If it happens to be a BFP, I'll have a little time to think about how I'll break the news. I'm thinking I'll just take a pic of it with my BlackBerry and send it to him in a message. Of course, H rarely checks his messages anyway, so I doubt he'll even get it. I got the kind of test that says "pregnant" or "not pregnant," so if he does get the message he won't be confused. Of course if it's a BFN, I'll just silently mourn, while pretending that I didn't really want to be pregnant now anyway, and act nonchalant about it when he asks.

Really we aren't *trying* to get preggo, but we're not *not trying* either. KWIM? I have PCOS, so I typically have about 4 cycles per year (not on the pill), but since December, I've actually had *short* cycles--like 23-26 days. Today is day 26 of my cycle. Maybe giving birth straightened some things out down there in the reproductive region. So I'm just leaving it up to God. Personally I think we should wait a little while longer, but part of me really wants to be pregnant NOW. And I know that God has a perfect timetable, so I'm just going to go with it.


So, I've decided to start writing a blog. I'm not really sure how it's going to work out though. What will I write about? Will anyone read it? Will I have time to write on a consistent basis? We'll see. I'm thinking I'd like to write about my life as a mom. How boring is that? Or maybe it'll just be a mush pot of all my thoughts. Or maybe I'll blog my next pregnancy...whenever that may be. I had to think of a name for my blog before I began. I wanted something original. I like pink. And I like pickles. M (my 12.5 month old daughter) likes pickles also. So Pink Pickles it is.

Oops, the husband (H) is home. Gotta run.