Friday, April 30, 2010

38 Weeks

Today I'm 38 weeks and 2 days. Last appointment (on Tuesday) I was 3 cm dilated (!), only 30% effaced, -2 station, posterior cervix, and anterior head. So I've been trying to be more active just to get things moving along. I've been somewhat nesting. I'm not much of a housekeeper, so any amount of cleaning is nesting to me.

I've been feeling pretty good lately. Not many contractions. About 1-2 a day. Maybe I should go for a walk. I'd like to get a nap in since I have to work tonight, but I'm sure M won't lay down, and she can get into a lot of trouble when she's unsupervised.

1 comment:

Marce said...

M can get into trouble unsupervised, lol, understatement :-)

I'm excited, can't wait for the announcement of your new bundle of joy.

