Monday, May 3, 2010

Cross your fingers for more progress!

I made it through a 3 day stretch at work. I tried to stand up and walk around as much as possible. Saturday morning I even took the stairs up 2 flights and down the rest of the way. I think all that did was make my calves hurt. Some people say it looks like I've "dropped," but I don't really think so. Maybe he's slightly lower, but not engaged yet. No regular contractions...just some occasional ones. Hopefully I'll find out tomorrow at my appointment that I've made a little progress.

H says I have to wait until after Friday to have this baby because he wants to go see Iron Man 2. *eye roll* I hope he's got plans for M though, because if this baby's not here yet, I'll be at work. And if this baby is here, he's not going.

Honestly, I'm betting this kiddo's stubborn and doesn't come until 41 weeks due to an induction. Hopefully I'm wrong.


Marce said...

Sounds like an afternoon delight is in need :-)

Iron man, i'm giggling

PinkPickles said...

LOL, Marce! You crack me up. :)