Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Goin' to the Gym--Pt. 2

M was up early this morning, so we ate breakfast, got dressed, and headed to the gym. The girl at the front desk was going over all of the prices with me, and then came out with a special deal for summer: no initial fee and a discounted rate for 3 months. So over 3 months, I'd save $96. Sweet deal! The only catch is that it doesn't start until May 15. So my quest to get skinny is put on the back burner for another 2 weeks. I did go to the dreaded WalMart to get some workout clothes (you know, to pump myself up) and came back home to try out my pilates DVD. HA! Maybe I should get a little more fit before I try that again.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I wish the 15th were already here. That way I wouldn't have to go through this torture alone.