Monday, March 10, 2008

POAS (Pee On A Stick)

So I bought a pregnancy test today. Not that I really *think* I'm pregnant, but just to be know. I was going to go this morning after I got off work, but when I went to pick up M, she was dressed in her pj's, and I didn't want to take her to Wal-Mart in her pj's, especially in the get a pregnancy test. The checker girl would probably think it was a crisis situation.

Anyway, when H got home we had to go get *dog* some food. Along with a few other things from Target. So I picked up a HPT then. I wasn't going to tell him that I was going to POAS, but since he was there, I did. No biggie. I'm waiting until morning to do it though...when he's at work. If it happens to be a BFP, I'll have a little time to think about how I'll break the news. I'm thinking I'll just take a pic of it with my BlackBerry and send it to him in a message. Of course, H rarely checks his messages anyway, so I doubt he'll even get it. I got the kind of test that says "pregnant" or "not pregnant," so if he does get the message he won't be confused. Of course if it's a BFN, I'll just silently mourn, while pretending that I didn't really want to be pregnant now anyway, and act nonchalant about it when he asks.

Really we aren't *trying* to get preggo, but we're not *not trying* either. KWIM? I have PCOS, so I typically have about 4 cycles per year (not on the pill), but since December, I've actually had *short* cycles--like 23-26 days. Today is day 26 of my cycle. Maybe giving birth straightened some things out down there in the reproductive region. So I'm just leaving it up to God. Personally I think we should wait a little while longer, but part of me really wants to be pregnant NOW. And I know that God has a perfect timetable, so I'm just going to go with it.

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