Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Music

As I was making my daily rounds on the MySpace, I noticed that my sister is now friends with "Frank Foster." Frank is a guy we went to high school with. (OT, I feel horrible about leaving that last sentence ending in a preposition, but I don't feel like fixing it.) So, I clicked on his picture, and it's a music know, like the kind of page that bands and musicians have on myspace. No freakin' way! Little Frank is a singer! As the music began to play, I was like "that's not Frank! He must be playing the guitar or something." But sure enough, he sings, plays the guitar, and writes music! And it sounds great (for country music...LOL)! Anyway, check out his page and help him get famous!

1 comment:

Elizethe said...

Olá, bom dia. Estou passando para conhecer. Parabéns pelo blog.